Service Description:-
Wanting to get your company registered under Startup India Program,
get DPIIT registered , buy this service and get going ...
Document Required:-
For start-up India registration following documents is required, startup recognition application by the DPIIT.
1. Incorporation/Registration Certificate
2. Director details
3. Patent and trademark details (Optional)
4. PAN of company
5. Aadhar of the Authorised Signatory
6. Stage wise additional documents when asked
Following are not eligible for Startup Recognition:-
1. Sole Proprietorship
2. Firm constitute by the notary partnership deed
3. Once annual turnover exceeds INR 100 crores
4. The company is older than 10 years.
Price Breakup:-
Basic Price : | ₹5000.00 |
GST @18% : | ₹900.00 |
Government fees : | ₹0.00 |
Final Price : | ₹5900.00 |